High-Converting Cart Software for High-Performing Solopreneurs

πŸ’° 0% fees.
πŸš€ Conversion-focused.
⭐️ Automatic post-purchase fulfillment.
πŸ“ˆ Grow your list, build your revenue.

Trusted by Solopreneurs Like Yourself

Join 1,000+ (and growing) creators, coaches, marketers, and other entrepreneurs on Zylvie:

We Integrate with Your Favorite Software

Seamlessly integrate Zylvie into your existing workflow, set it and forget it

Built for High-Performing Solopreneurs

Monetize your audience, build your list, diversify your sales channels

1. No complicated funnels/setups + ample selling options

Deploy a landing page in seconds, upload your products, and start collecting payments instantly: one-time payments, tiered pricing, subscriptions, free products, pay what you want, etc.

2. Grow your email list scalably, no extra work

Capture the email of every customer and automatically add them to your lists/sequences. These emails are the most qualified, as they have already bought something from you. Compliant with GDPR/CAN-SPAM.

3. Keep your existing workflow

If you already have an ESP, an existing site, or you're already using Zapier/Pabbly for automation, Zylvie fits perfectly into your existing workflow. You won't have to rip anything out, we'll add on to your existing workflow.

4. Manage multiple distinct brands under one roof

No, you don't need a separate Zylvie account (and separate subscription) for each business you own. You can manage multiple brands, each with different identities and inventories, using 1 account. Switch seamlessly between brands. Each brand runs independently.

5. Greater control over your money

Unlike these so-called MoR middlemen, we don't hold on to your money with delays and minimum thresholds (we can't). Money flows directly from your customers to you. No pay out threshold, no "pay day" bullshit. You get your money instantly. You own your subscriptions too, not us, so you can migrate anytime if you're not happy.

6. Keep your expenses low as you scale and grow your profits

"A percentage of sales" sounds good until you start selling high-ticket items or bringing in real money, then all of a sudden it feels extremely unjustified (because it is). With us, your profit margins grow as you grow your sales, since your COGS remains constant.

What Our Real, Happy Customers Say

They put it in words more succinctly, descriptively, and credibly than we ever can.

Struck gold with Zylvie


WP Skillset Lab

I've been on the hunt for the perfect cart solution, buying and returning things that just didn’t work. And I finally struck gold with Zylvie! Setting it up was a breeze β€” seriously, no headaches. I finally can run my membership payments through this on a recurring basis! And the support from Jay? Absolutely stellar. It's so refreshing to see a business owner who is genuinely committed to their product's growth and values their early adopters. I'm actively promoting this to my customers.

Fast execution

Evan Kelly

Newsletter Alchemy

Love Zylvie! It's like ThriveCart, but at a fraction of the price. It has already paid for itself since activating my plan a few days ago. Top-notch customer support and fast execution on the roadmap. It makes Gumroad look like a blood-soaked band-aid. Five stars.

Resonate with your brand

Sashanna Mighty

Creations by Mighty

Zylvie is one of the best platforms out there for selling digital products (I've tried a few). Jay, the owner is a superstar! Emails are answered almost immediately. The platform is growing so quickly. Zylvie lets you build unique sales pages that resonate with your brand and audience, and it also makes collecting email addresses straightforward. You don't have to be a tech wiz to use this platform.

Growth features to maximize monetization

Convert your audience's loyalty and support into a sustainable income stream

πŸ–ΌοΈ Easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor

Design beautiful, high-converting sales landing pages using our versatile what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Embed videos, images, reviews, etc. and use custom HTML/CSS/JS to create your desired long-form sales letter.

⭐️ White label your store

Use a custom domain, logos, colors, personalized emails, etc. for your store to ensure a consistent brand experience. Have multiple custom domains for multiple stores.

πŸ”‚ Sell and manage subscriptions + "buy now, pay later"

Build MRR/recurring income by selling memberships, coaching, SaaS, and other subscription products. Choose the interval you want to bill, and optionally include a free trial period to bump up conversions. You can also allow your customers to finance a high-ticket purchase over several months with this feature.

πŸ’° Create different pricing tiers/plans, bump offers, and bundles

Increase your Average Order Value (AOV) by allowing your customers to purchase from multiple pricing tiers/plans or options. Introduce bump offers or bundles to capture more revenue from your customer base, customize different post-purchase fulfillment actions for each pricing option.

🧲 Build your email list using lead magnets

Create a landing page to disseminate your free product to collect qualified leads and grow your mailing list. We also integrate with ConvertKit, Mailerlite, Sendfox, AWeber, and GetResponse to synchronize your subscribers automatically.

πŸ›’ Embed a pop-up checkout in your existing site

Allow your users to seamlessly buy your products or subscriptions without leaving your site at all. Increase onsite revenue with our powerful pop-up checkout solution that fits perfectly with the layout and branding of your site.

⬆️ Strategically deploy one-click upsells to boost your AOV

Seamlessly integrate one-click upsells of complementary/related products to boost your AOV. Advanced features include a discount and a timer to increase buying urgency. Choose from different upsell flows: pop-up, separate page, onpage div, pre-checkout, post-checkout, etc.

⚑ Use workflow automations for effortless post-purchase fulfillment

Create workflow automations using webhooks or workflow software like Zapier and Pabbly Connect, so you can create automated actions in real-time whenever certain events happen in your storefront (e.g. a purchase went through, a new lead is generated, a subscription is cancelled, etc.).

πŸ‘₯️ Onboard affiliates to grow and scale your brand organically

Scale your marketing profitably with our in-built affiliate system. Add unlimited affiliates and customize individual commission percentages. All referrals are automatically tracked and payouts handled on-platform.

⏰ Leverage urgency marketing

5-10x short-term sales by strategically running flash sales/time-limited discounts on your high-demand products, plus a "quantity left" counter to increase artificial scarcity

🏷️ Issue promo codes to sweeten the deal for loyal customers

Personalize your discount for your loyal customers to increase conversions (e.g. for parity pricing)

🀝 Create partnerships/joint ventures

Partner with other sellers for a product bundle/collaboration product. All sales will be split based on profit-sharing, each partner gets paid instantly and independently, while all partners have info parity/equal access to sales analytics.

🧾 Automatically collect VAT/GST/sales tax + shipping

Select the jurisdictions in which you want to collect VAT/GST/sales tax. We automatically calculate and charge due taxes based on your buyer's billing location. Add optional shipping by locality. Export all tax transactions as CSV for easy remittance.

πŸ”‘ Generate unique license keys

Sell your software products without manually issuing license keys -- let us handle it all. Verify license keys, redeem and invalidate keys as you need via API.

πŸ“ˆ Gain actionable business insights

Track your traffic, leads, and sales over time and discover your best-converting products AND channels

πŸ˜€ Boost customer satisfaction & retention

Issue refunds (partial or whole), communicate with your customers, resend download links, etc. within an intuitive customer portal

Even More Satisfied Customers

They're happy. And we're happy that they're happy.

Got rid of Kajabi!

Lizzi Macaulay

Write It! Media

I'm not usually someone who likes to write reviews, but I felt this one was important to contribute. I was looking for an alternative to my Kajabi storefront (ending Kajabi subscription). Everything has been so easy to set up, and while it's already great, it's exciting to see how many developments are in the pipeline for the near future. Jay has been so responsive, offering guidance and feedback within minutes of me asking questions.

Super-easy to set up

Ted Johler

Affordable College 101, LLC

I was originally looking to use ThriveCart, but then I ran across Zylvie. It was super-easy to set up and had all the features I was looking for. Plus, the price was right. The UI is smooth, and the conversion tracking is insightful. You can also set up the cart on multiple websites, which I plan to do. I can't wait to see what features will be coming out next.

Ditching ThriveCart for Zylvie

Rachel Ann

Rachel Ann Coaching

I bought Zylvie as an alternative to ThriveCart. Zylvie had most of what I needed when I first signed up, but the most incredible part is that the things it didn't have, the team was able to add for me within 1-2 DAYS! I'm honestly excited at the speed at which they are adding new features and capabilities and think it can become a real competitor in the space.

How's Zylvie better than competitors?

This is our promise to you.

We listen to and act on feedback quickly. Our competitors are mature products complacently coasting on brand recognition. They have little incentive to improve. You can suggest them stuff a thousand times, they won't bother to do anything. They're overfed fat cats, they don't care.

With us, you can talk to the founder directly (no need to escalate to any "tier 2" officer), and, if it's simple, we'll roll out the feature in 24 hours. That's because we're hungry, we move fast, and we release new features at breakneck pace. Just look at how quickly we deliver complex features on our roadmap.

We're a Swiss Army Knife built specifically for solopreneurs. Our platform isn't built for everyone. Solopreneurs have very different business needs from big companies or even small companies, and we've been interacting with and building software for with this market for many years now. Whether you delegate to a group of VAs or are a true solo operation, we understand you inside out.

Our reviews don't lie. They're real, just do a Google search on the excerpts or reverse image search their faces. We would look like utter idiots if we were caught fibbing on this. They've candidly shared their personal experiences with Zylvie. You decide if Zylvie is for you.