The frequency 440 Hz, which is the note A in the Western musical scale, is NOT "bad" or "evil" as advertised by some folks marketing their 432 Hz sound healing music. Don't buy into scare stories about Rockefeller or Nazis. There is no such thing as an evil frequency, first off! But 440 Hz has been used for decades for sound healing, with the recognition that the note A has many healing qualities. One of the emotional qualities it can help with is nurturing yourself.

440 Hz is known for helping with:

  • Needing to nurture yourself
  • Relaxing and letting go
  • Releasing excess worry
  • Helping others at the expense of yourself
  • Menopause
  • Lung issues
  • Bladder problems
  • Sexual dysfunction

This healing yantra built upon a sound visualization of 440 Hz has been Reiki-charged with the positive energy of 440 and nurturing. As a healing yantra it needs no recharging and can be used anytime, for yourself and/or with clients.

Note: Healing yantras are for your own personal/professional use and may not be resold or shared online.

Upon purchase, you will receive an email with download instructions. Please check your spam box if you don't see the email right away!

Elemental Reiki Institute of Energy and Sound Healing

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What You'll Get:

  • Reiki healing yantra image in high resolution
  • Yantra desktop wallpaper
  • Detailed instructions
  • Bonus: Suggested mantras to use with the yantra to add to the healing effects
  • Additional Bonus: Sound visualization image of the 440 Hz frequency.

  • 5 Files
  • 440 Healing Yantra.png
    6.6 MB

  • 440 Sound Visualization.png
    2.8 MB

  • 440 Yantra Mantras.pdf
    115.0 kB
  • 1 pages (~371 words)

  • 440 Healing Yantra Wallpaper.png
    2.0 MB

  • Reiki Healing Yantra Instructions.pdf
    696.4 kB
  • 4 pages (~1,542 words)