Startup Business Guide
This book explains one topic per page, like a big glossary, easy wiki, quick encyclopedia, or summary notes.
Generated by AI. Edited by Joel Parker Henderson (
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## Contents
* What is this book?
* Who is this for?
* Why am I creating this?
* Are there more guides?
Business analysis
* 2x2 grid for business
* Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)
* Business Model Canvas (BMC)
* Cause-and-effect diagram (a.k.a fishbone diagram)
* Eisenhower decision matrix
* Five Whys analysis
* Flowchart
* Futurespective
* Gantt chart
* Good Enough For Now (GEFN)
* Growth-share matrix (a.k.a. BGG matrix)
* Mind map
* Organizational chart
* SWOT analysis
* Thinking hats
* Venn diagram
* Ahead of the pack
* Barking up the wrong tree
* Big picture
* Boil the ocean
* Buy-in
* Firefighting mode
* Get on the front foot
* Have a think
* In full swing
* Low-hanging fruit
* On the bench
* On the radar
* Out of scope
* Over the horizon
* Put a pin in it
* Putting the cart before the horse
* Quick wins
* Red tape
* Shoulder to shoulder
* Skin in the game
* Stretch goal
* Swoop and poop
* Take the bull by the horns
* The ball is in your court
* The proof is in the pudding
* Think outside of the box
* Touch base
* Unknown unknowns
* Win-win
* Winner take all
* Brooks' Law
* Conway's Law
* Gresham’s Law
* Hyrum’s Law
* Metcalfe's Law
* Moore's Law
* The Law of Demos (Kapor's Law)
* The Law of Supply and Demand
* The Law of Conservation of Complexity (Tesler's Law)
* The Law of Large Numbers
* The Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule)
* The Principle of Least Knowledge (The Law of Demeter)
* Chesterton's fence
* The Tragedy of the Commons
* Sunk cost fallacy
Entrepreneur quotations
* Culture eats strategy for breakfast
* Execution eats strategy for lunch
* A startup is a company that is confused
Innovation quotations
* A rising tide lifts all boats
* Look for the people who want to change the world
* See things in the present, even if they are in the future
UI/UX design quotations
* Learn early, learn often
* Make mistakes faster
* Perfect is the enemy of good
Project management quotations
* Move fast and break things
* Ideas are easy, implementation is hard
* Data beats emotions
Soft skills
* How to ask for help
* How to collaborate
* How to find a mentor
* How to influence people
* How to manage expectations
* How to work with stakeholders
* How to get feedback
* How to give feedback
* About the editor
* About the AI
* About the ebook
* About related projects

Joel Parker Henderson • SixArm Software
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